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SOCKPUPPETHEAD is a dominant character figured throughout the book. He is realized as table cloth stains, blue silverware, red wine within the goblet, the transfigured altar cloth of Tableau.Setting XXXIV, and redeeming savior. He is also realized as parsley bits on the butter pats, the butter pats eventually transfigure into The Butter Pats, an all buttery blond girl trio in the band called The Crucifieds, newest CD featuring hit songs: Whut Shakin Fosaken and Savior Suffering.


SOCKPUPPETHEAD  © 1995 beth skillicorn     

ASTAIRE is a prominent character, first appearing within the ice cubes of Tableau.Setting XV, becoming a trinity with the already iced SOCKPUPPETHEAD and BRAVADO. ASTAIRE then mirrors itself into a duality, and shadow images of itself are prophetically evidenced in stains on the cloth in Tableau.Setting XVIII. ASTAIRE’s duality becomes blatant in Tableau.Setting XXIII, as its prior nature as utensil (XXII) inkblots to become a kabuki mask. This new JESTER assumes the role of anti-hero for the rest of the narrative, and can be seen i.e. as the spread legs of the three Crucifieds (reflections within upper platter in XXIX), the thorny glory on the head of the crucified SOCKPUPPETHEAD (XXX), bruises on the scourged flesh of a side dish. JESTER laughs inside the wine residues, stigmata within the right and left glasses, savaged wrists, stemming from two folded napkin-hands that limp from the cross beam of flat napkins. JESTER appears as guitars for The Crucifieds (above).   






ASTAIRE  © 1995 beth skillicorn    

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